Tuesday, April 29, 2008


千辛萬苦, 終於趕起了GLC report, 卻落得胃痛下場... 人生第一次胃痛, 只好狂飲暖水令自己舒服點. 而且又令我今天沒回到太空溫書...(嗯,好像在找藉口...)

好啦.5月了. 快點考完快點找工作...

突然多了很多事在想, 也不太知自己在做什麼, 算了.
船到橋頭自然直, 有些事也不在我控制之內.

又, 人愈大, 愈想做好多小時候從未想過的事, 未出發先興奮, 哈!


Since I was a young man I never was a fun man
I never had a plan and no security
Then ever since I met you I never could forget you
I only wanna get you right here next to me

Now my life is changing, It's always rearranging
It's always getting stranger than I thought it ever could
Ever since I found you, I wanna be around you
I wanna get down to the point that I need you

Good Charlotte, Wondering

well, for my future, i am happy wondering.