Sunday, May 4, 2008


EAPP2完了, 好久沒作文了, 完全不是AL時的狀態, 還好只是要求CE的字數, 哈. 完成一科, 還有四科, 天呀!! 好慢長哦.

Greater China 跟 FAB 真的好恐怖, 好久沒背這麼多東西入腦了. 學Dada說句 "殺左我啦!"


昨天回太空時, 在城大asso門口驚見徐淑敏, 原來真人幾高! 好索!(Dada說用索來形容女孩子不太好, 嗯, 其實我也真的覺得她好索而已, 娛樂圈好黑暗的, 我深信) 有朋友說過, 如一生人總要被人玩弄感情一次, 又如果對方是靚女的話, 他會好甘心被玩. 嗯, 好變態, 但如果有徐淑敏的級數, 我會認同他的說法 (好啦, 不要打面, 我有自知之明, 但, 夜深了, 請容許我發夢...)


P小姐竟然跟我說我blog好高深, 非常好, 看來我扮高深扮得頗成功.
P: 你認真扮定係真有深度先?XD
T: 我認真地想自己有深度D, 但未成功, 只好扮住先 =]


又, 究竟是不是我不愛國呢?? 傳火炬給我唯一的感覺是, 為什麼那些歌手, 商人都有份?? 不知所謂.
但大家都穿紅衣, 好團結的樣子, 又給我一種開心的感覺.


每日溫書, 在同一個地方來回, 與同一堆筆記博鬥, 什麼都想不到了. 所以打blog都不太知打什麼好...


Standing still
I?m waiting round to see if this is real
Cause I feel like I?m asleep
I'll open up my eyes
Cause you might be the type
Of girl that makes me dream when I'm awake

So tell me can this really work
Or will we end up getting hurt
Is this love a myth
So tell me are you in for this
There's so much more than we can see
More than you
More than me
It takes two to believe

The Click Five, The reason why.

Fortunately, i stoped, it's the second time? whatever...
i start to doubt myself. Have i miss the right timing? Or i should keep waiting? But i am a bit tired, maybe the situation just like two parallel lines, always next to each other without any intersection point... somehow, i know that's not what i want... i sure.