Monday, March 31, 2008

晴天 陰天 雨天

星期六的晴天, 星期日的陰天, 直到今天的雨天. 究竟是我心情隨著天氣轉變, 還是上天跟我開的一個小玩笑呢?

今天風大雨小, 雨水隨著風打橫的吹進來, 所以也不作什麼無謂的抵抗了, 其實也挺舒服的. 總算趕在deadline前申請了學費單, 不然又要進貢三十大元給太空來申請CEF.

去了第一天的sports program. 相同的地方, 熟悉的遊戲, 陌生的面孔, 卻有著不同的體會, 慶幸大家都很投入.

身心都累了, 如果天氣跟我心情掛勾的話, 明天請給我一個太陽.


Looking at life from the perspective of a boy
Who's learnt to love you but has also learned to grow.
Could we make it better, stormy weather,
So I dunno.

Oh, oh, oh - Is there anybody home?
Who'll believe me, won't deceive me, who'll try to teach me?
Ah, ah, ah - Is there anybody home?
Who wants to have me, just to love me?
Stuck in the middle.

Mika, Stuck in The Middle